
選課公告(113/5/3 公告113-1學年期)

公 告事宜
選課時程 Course Enrollment Schedule

113學年度第1學期學生選課事宜   (選課時程2024/5/3公告)  選課說明簡易版

NCKU Notice of Course Enrollment for the Fall semester of 2024 (Revised on May 3 2024)


112 學年度第2學期學生選課事宜   (必讀,各階段選課時程2023/12/06公告)  選課說明簡易版

NCKU Notice of Course Enrollment for the Spring semester of 2024 (Revised on December 6 2023) 


通識課程 GE Course

A9 踏溯台南 (106-110學年)、 AF 踏溯台南 (111學年起)

1. 踏溯台南為106學年9月入學後大一新生(含106年09月入學保留入學 生)通識必修課程。各學期名額均有限制不建議棄、退選 。如於上學期棄退選,欲重修者須於下學年上 學期選課內定。
EXPLORING TAINAN is the freshman compulsory course for those freshmen who enroll after Sep. 2017 (Fall 2017). It is not recommended to drop or withdraw because it is set quota limit each semester. For students who drop or withdraw on this Fall semester can only re-enroll the class in advance by the Registrar's Division on next Fall semester .

Overseas Chinese and local students who enroll or retake the Exploring Tainan course during 2017 Fall semester - 2018 Spring semester, according to the regulation the course will be required to take as 0 credit.

3. 108學年入學後新生內定或重修踏溯台南課程(A9、AF),本地生或僑陸生依規定內定1學分。
Overseas Chinese and local students who enroll or retake the Exploring Tainan course after 2019 Fall semester, according to the regulation the course will be required to take as 1 credit.

4.踏溯台南課程(A9、AF)為108學年度起入學大一本地新生分上下學期2梯次內定限選課程。(上學期內定學號第8碼,即尾數第2碼為奇數之 本地生、僑陸生,下學期內 定學號第8碼,即尾數第2碼偶數之 本地生、僑陸生)。
Overseas Chinese and local freshmen students who are admitted to NCKU since the Fall semester of 2017 are required to take the course of EXPLORING TAINAN (A9、AF) in two batches either in the Fall semester or the Spring semester.

5.109學年第1學期入學轉 學新生、港返台、境外台生,統一採內定踏 溯台南1學分課程,路線請學生自行至系統選擇。

 暑假轉學 新生於第1學期內定踏溯台南。

   寒假轉學 新生於第2學期內定踏溯台南。

6.踏溯台南課程相 關問題請洽文學院踏溯台南辦公室,分機52012 。
For more information, please contact the College of Liberal Arts at ext. 52012.

The extra-territorial students enrollment information of Exploring Tainan Course would be disseminated by Office of International Affairs. (Eva Huang Ext.50996)

請見路線選擇系統首頁連結https://exptnsel.liberal.ncku.edu.tw/、Moodle 課程平台https://moodle.ncku.edu.tw/公 告。

外語中心 Foreign Language Center


★  【公告】- 113學年大一新生英文模組結果開放查詢

       【Notice】2024 Freshmen English Module Results Now Available 

★ 當學期復學生、轉學生,英文模組等級任選且可於選課階段自行上網選擇英文模組課程。次一學期起即為舊生身分,若仍需 修習英文課程,學生須於當學期結束前自行到校外取得英檢成績並於第5-17週至外語中心辦理登記模組,使得於次一學期起選課。 
舉例:113-1學期復學生可於113-1學期任一選擇英文課程模組,但須於113-1學期第5-17週持英檢成績單/證書正本至外語中心辦理登記模組, 使得於113-2學期起選課。

若有相關問題,請洽外語中心分機52273或參考外語中心/Q and A/模組英文、第二外語修課網頁(https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1144-202668,r2880.php?Lang=zh-tw)

華語中心 Chinese Language Center

AH 華語中心中文能力分級名單(外籍生適用)  2023 Fall Semester Placement Test Result for CIDS Course

2024/1/23  112-2 學期華語中心(AH)中文特別班名單公告(第一階段申請者) 2024 Spring Semester CIDS Class Level Announcement (1st Stage Applicants)  Contact Ext. 52040
2024/2/15  112-2 學期華語中心(AH)中文特別班名單公告(第二階段申請者) 2024 Spring Semester CIDS Class Level Announcement (2nd Stage Applicants)     Contact Ext. 52040

1.        請記得到課程資訊及選課系統選課。Please remember to enroll your class on the NCKU Course Information & Course Enrollment System during the registration period.

2.        中文特別班自2024/02/19開始上課。CIDS Course begins on Feb.19, 2024.

3.        如有課程相關疑問,請參考中文特別班課程網頁的常見問題之說明(https://sites.google.com/gs.ncku.edu.tw/nckuclccids/

To address any questions related to the course, please consult the FAQs section on the CIDS Course website (https://sites.google.com/gs.ncku.edu.tw/nckuclccids).

彈性密集課程(微學分) Flexible Intensive Course (Microcredit Courses)


選修彈性密集授課課程,依開課單位專簽核准公告辦理,該課程 棄(退)選須至開課單位或選課系統線上申請,相關規定依選課公告辦理。
Enrollment of any flexible intensive course offered by a department shall be administered according to its course-offering policy notice approved by the Office of Academic Affairs. Those who intend to drop (or withdraw from) any such course shall process their applications with the course-offering department or on the online course enrollment system.

A.經核准設定彈性密集開課註記後,學生可於該學期網路選課開放期間加選或承辦人員於授課截止前至系辦選課系統加(退)選。課程開始授課後不建議學生棄 選,如有特殊因素煩請院(系、所)於課程結束前,酌情辦理退選。該學期學生若申請退選,成績單將留退選註記。
A.無休學者,彈性密集授課成績及學分將列入歷年成績單。各科成績依本校教師繳交及更正成績要點辦理,建議於密集授課截止日後兩周內或學期規定時間內,至 成績上傳系統上傳核對無誤後送註冊組。

All course-offering academic units (departments, graduate institutes, and colleges) must inform their students of the notes for the flexible intensive curriculum with regard to course enrollment, credit fees, and grades as follows:
(1) Course enrollment:
A. For a course approved and established as a flexible intensive course, students are allowed to enroll online during the designated enrollment period, while responsible unit staffers are allowed to process course enrollment or withdrawal online via their office enrollment system before the end of the course. It is not recommended that students drop the course after the start of the course. Under special circumstances, applications for course withdrawal may be processed at the discretion of academic units (departments, graduate institutes, and colleges) before the end of the course. If a student has completed an application for course withdrawal, the course will be recorded on the transcript with “W” for withdrawal for the semester.
B: Scheduling conflicts:
Please do not enroll in courses with overlapping schedules (including intensive courses in the same timeslot).
Course overload:
Underground students who fail to meet the course overload criteria designated by their major program and who wish to apply for course overload shall complete and submit the designated application form for course overload, which shall be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
(2) Credit fees:
A graduate student who withdraws from a flexible intensive course must pay its credit fees. An undergraduate student initially taking fewer than nine credits who enrolls in a flexible intensive course resulting in a total number of credits more than nine shall pay a full tuition.
(3) Grades:
A. For students enrolled in a flexible intensive course without a suspension of studies from the semester, the course will be included with the grade and credits received on their academic history transcripts. Grades given to flexible intensive courses shall be administered in accordance with NCKU Guidelines for Faculty's Submission and Correction of Grades. It is recommended that instructors upload their grades online and submit the printed grade sheets to the Registrar’s Division within two weeks after the end of the class or by the designated grade submission deadline for each semester.
B. In the case of a flexible intensive course offered during a winter or summer break and scheduled to end after the designated grade submission deadline for each semester (January 31 for fall semester, July 10 for spring semester), it is recommended that this course be included in the curriculum for the following semester.

退選 Course Withdrawal
Students shall complete their application for any course withdrawal through the online course enrollment system four weeks before the end-of-term examination. Upon submission online, no application for any course withdrawal shall be canceled.
As a result of course withdrawal, the number of credits shall not be lower   than the minimum required number of credits. However, students who have completed their application for taking courses with less than the required minimum number of credits by the designated date for course withdrawal shall not be subject to this rule.