

01. 基 本數據及趨勢
Statistics and Trend Charts

學校 及各學院每生學費收費標準
Fee Schedule

  • 碩士班(含產業研發專班)、博士班
  •   107  108  109  110  111  112  113
    Master Programs (including Industrial Technology R&D Master Program、In-Service Master Programs) and Doctoral Program
  • 碩士在職專班
  •   111  112  113
    Master Programs (In-Service Master Programs)
03. 學 生在學期間除學雜費以外之教育支出估算(本資料由學務處提供)
Other Estimated Expense during the Semester except Miscellaneous Fees (Data Supplied by Office of Student Affairs)
  • 生 活費(依據「高級中等以上學校學生就學貸款作業要點」,就學貸款之生活費可貸金額,由本校生活輔導組辦理)
    Living Expenses (According to “The Senior High School and University Student Loans Guidelines”, Loan Amount of Living Expense Student Loan)
04. 學 雜費調整之用途規劃說明
Use of Change in Tuitions and Miscellaneous
No change will be made at Fall Semester 2022 and Spring Semester 2022.
05. 學生意見陳述
student opinion represents